Doug Mason
JoinedPosts by Doug Mason
When did the Great Crowd start forming?
by Vanderhoven7 ini realize that rutherford received a flash of light regarding the identity of the gc in the year 1935, but that does not tell us when the crowd began to form.
what would be the earliest date?
any ideas or quotes from wt literature?
Far fewer references to lesbians
by Doug Mason ini notice that while a search of the wt library reveals many references to homosexuals, there are few references to lesbians.. does the wts include women when it uses the term homosexual?.
when discussing masturbation, does it mention both sexes?.
i am asking out of pure ignorance, seeking clarification.. my only comment is that religion of every shade has difficulty with the subject of sexual activity, as if it were something that is not part of nature.. doug.
Doug Mason
Thank you everyone for your fantastic comments to my initial post on this thread.
I was very concerned at the way my post might have been construed, but I can tell you that I appreciate the positive way in which this subject has been approached.
Far fewer references to lesbians
by Doug Mason ini notice that while a search of the wt library reveals many references to homosexuals, there are few references to lesbians.. does the wts include women when it uses the term homosexual?.
when discussing masturbation, does it mention both sexes?.
i am asking out of pure ignorance, seeking clarification.. my only comment is that religion of every shade has difficulty with the subject of sexual activity, as if it were something that is not part of nature.. doug.
Doug Mason
Hi GodZoo,
I understand the dictionary definition, but I am wondering whether the WTS manages the situation explicitly with that understanding. Perhaps it does; I am simply asking, especially when I see homosexual references being made to "tight pants" and "effeminate" behaviour.
What "non-effeminate" behaviour by a woman does the WTS object to? "Loose pants"?
Far fewer references to lesbians
by Doug Mason ini notice that while a search of the wt library reveals many references to homosexuals, there are few references to lesbians.. does the wts include women when it uses the term homosexual?.
when discussing masturbation, does it mention both sexes?.
i am asking out of pure ignorance, seeking clarification.. my only comment is that religion of every shade has difficulty with the subject of sexual activity, as if it were something that is not part of nature.. doug.
Doug Mason
I notice that while a search of the WT Library reveals many references to homosexuals, there are few references to lesbians.
Does the WTS include women when it uses the term homosexual?
When discussing masturbation, does it mention both sexes?
I am asking out of pure ignorance, seeking clarification.
My only comment is that religion of every shade has difficulty with the subject of sexual activity, as if it were something that is not part of nature.
AUSTRALIA – Artemis Legal launches inquiry into group and class action lawsuits against Jehovah’s Witnesses
by jwleaks injehovah's witnesses - group action lawyers fighting for justice | artemis legal .
artemis legal | watchtower claims.
13 october 2015 .
Doug Mason
The Royal Commission is an enquiry. It is not a court. It can only make recommendations. The quality of evidence tendered before the enquiry does not require the legal rigour of evidence before a court.
The Commission has recommended that the Australian Government set up a compensation fund of $4 billion, but any decision lies outside the duties or powers of the Commission.
It can recommend to the Department of Public Prosecution that criminal proceedings should be commenced but the decision whether to do so is solely the prerogative of the Proscutor, not of the Commissioner.
I suspect there will be opportunists swarming around seeking to make money from these victims. Beware of anything at this early sate. The Commission has only been running for 2 years, and could probably run for a few more. Give it time to make its recommendations.
New Bibles on the website
by HowTheBibleWasCreated ini was going through a few websites and isolating text of the 'deuteronimist history' for my channel on youtube today when i opened a tab to to see if they had actually dome anything in a few days.
to my surprise up popped the new bibles.. no for many year the only one they had was nwt 1984 and as of 2 years ago the rnwt with audio coming in slowly.
(the guys that do ezra are crap and lett ruins mark) a week or two ago they started adding a study bible starting with matthew.
Doug Mason
I asked you what your intention is when you write: "isolating text of the Deuteronomistic history".
Friedman's work addresses the first 5 books, whereas the DH stretches further, in which Deuteronomy forms only the first scroll of the history. Hence my question.
No criticism, just curious, given your statement.
New Bibles on the website
by HowTheBibleWasCreated ini was going through a few websites and isolating text of the 'deuteronimist history' for my channel on youtube today when i opened a tab to to see if they had actually dome anything in a few days.
to my surprise up popped the new bibles.. no for many year the only one they had was nwt 1984 and as of 2 years ago the rnwt with audio coming in slowly.
(the guys that do ezra are crap and lett ruins mark) a week or two ago they started adding a study bible starting with matthew.
Doug Mason
What do you mean by "isolating the text of the Deuteronomic History"?
Are you saying that you wish to isolate P texts within Deuteronomy through Kings? Friedman has done this with the J, E, P, D sources in the first five Biblical books through his book, "The Bible with Sources Revealed". (Scheidewind's book, "How the Bible Became a Book" is tangentially relevant.)
Are you suggesting that you are "isolating" P texts that lie within the Deuteronomic History?
Is Emanuel Tov's work of use? I do not know, just a genuine question, as I claim little understanding of Lower/Textual Criticism.
For me the more important question is not "How was the Bible created?" but rather "Why was the Bible created?"
Not on a WTS Cover - Famine Continues to Decline
by berrygerry inthat darn satan keeps confusing those horsies in apocalypse - they seem to be going in reverse..
Doug Mason
Matt 24 says nothing about "increase", just that they continue to exist - and should be ignored. An evil generation looks for signs.
In the Flood myth, people were going about their everyday normal affairs, completely unaware while Noah was busy.
Not on a WTS Cover - Famine Continues to Decline
by berrygerry inthat darn satan keeps confusing those horsies in apocalypse - they seem to be going in reverse..
Doug Mason
As a complete distraction from the theme of this thread - for which I apologise.
Mention is made of "obesity". This is an illness that is not understood but where much interesting research is being conducted. One Study, for example, links the chemical BPA, a product that if often used on the thermal paper handed out at the checkout.
Other factors include the study of epigenetics (possibly BPA is one factor), others are looking at it as an immune response.
It's a serious illness.
Again, apologies for the distraction.
Not on a WTS Cover - Famine Continues to Decline
by berrygerry inthat darn satan keeps confusing those horsies in apocalypse - they seem to be going in reverse..
Doug Mason
In every century people have expected the final divine intervention to take place during their own lifetime. This includes the Essenes, Jesus, Paul, and the writer of Revelation. Read books such as "A History of the End of the World" by Jonathan Kirsch.
Russell was a product of his time, which produced many other similar people, including Darby, Scofield, and Moody.
As far as real statistics is concerned, see Pinker's book "The Better Angels of our Nature". He also appears on several YouTube presentations. See pages 53 ff of my Study at: